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What are the definitions of the Google Business Profile Performance Metrics?
dbaPlatform General
Will dbaPlatform work with preferred Google Partners?
Is there anything dbaPlatform can do that an individual user can not?
Can I re-sell dbaPlatform's Local Search Management, formerly known as Professional Services?
Is dbaPlatform effective for one Google Business Profile?
Do dbaPlatform's tools Work?
Does dbaPlatform only work with agency accounts?
Does dbaPlatform work with a new Google Business agency dashboard?
Can I Re-sell dbaPlatform?
Does dbaPlatform contact a business's clients?
How can dbaPlatform help my business grow?
Does dbaPlatform Troubleshoot Google listing issues?
Can dbaPlatform work for franchise model businesses?
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Local Listings/Citations
Is there a report to see what directories my listings have synced to?
How to update a Google Business Profile listing when a business is moving?
How do you get rid of a duplicate Google Business Profile listing?
How do I activate a location with Local Listings?
How often does dbaPlatform sync new data from GMB?
What is the Local Listings service, and how do I decide which source of truth to use?
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How do I schedule posts for large brands or franchise brands on Google My Business?
"Activate Multi-Location Posts:" How to Fix This | dbaPlatform
Why are my posts scheduled through dbaPlatform not posting to Google Profile?
How do I publish multiple posts for multiple locations?
How do I schedule posts for large franchise brands through dbaPlatform?
When I delete a post within dbaPlatform, will the post also be deleted from my published posts on Google?
Can I post product updates through dbaPlatform?
Can I schedule posts ahead of time directly from the Google Business Profile dashboard?
Is there an option to remove the date of a post but keep it on the platform?
How do I reschedule or copy content?
How do I change between the different Post/Photo views?
Can I preview a post before it is uploaded to the Google profile?
Publishing Posts for Multiple Locations Timeline
How many posts can I publish in one day from dbaPlatform?
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Posting Photos in Additional, Exterior, and Interior Categories. And Duplicates
How Many Photos Can be Published in 1 Day with the Photo Tool
Why are photos not posting to Google Business Profile through dbaPlatform?
How to Geotag the Actual Location Instead of the Business Profile Location
How to Publicly Display Photos on My Google Business Profile
Importing Photos from the Google Business Profile
Can I publish photos to multiple Google Business Profiles?
How Long Until I See My Published Photos on All Locations?
Can I resize my photos in dbaPlatform?
How does optimization work on the Photo Optimizer feature?
What Optimizing an Image Consists of with dbaPlatform
How do I publish a photo in dbaPlatform?
Does it cost more to geotag and optimize images in dbaPlatform?
Can I upload a video to my Google Business Profile through dbaPlatform?
How do I optimize several photos at once?
How do I delete several photos at once?
How do I use Quick Actions to schedule a photo?
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How do I use the Q&A manager in dbaPlatform?
Can you respond to reviews from the portal?
How do I use the Review Manager feature on dbaPlatform?
Can dbaPlatform assist with generating reviews for my clients?
Can I respond to all my Google Business Profile reviews from my dbaPlatform dashboard?
How do I best respond to Google Profile reviews for multiple locations?
How can I get Google to pull in reviews from other websites to show on my Knowledge Panel?
Can I automate responses to reviews in dbaPlatform?
Can responding to reviews help increase search results?
How do I generate a review link in dbaPlatform?
How do I use Quick Actions to respond to a review?
What is the Smart Review Responder?
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Local Search Management
Does dbaPlatform offer expert help to manage Google Business Profiles?
I need to bring someone in-house and cancel my Local Search Management subscription. Can I do that and keep my license?
dbaPlatform Local Search Management: What is included?
How do I set up my Local Inventory Feed?
How do I add dbaPlatform as an "Admin" on Google Merchant Center?
How do I activate and modify UTM tracking for Cars for Sale?
Why is my server connection not working on dbaPlatform for Cars for Sale?
How do I create FTP credentials for Auto Inventory?
Should I use a Site Scrape or FTP as my data source for vehicle data?
How do I obtain my Google Placeid?
How do I fix “Exterior color not specified” errors?
How do I fix “VDP invalid, expired, or not showing the details of the car for sale: VDP does not contain the VIN” errors?
How do I fix “Model year does not match the VIN” errors?
How do I fix “The main image indicates that the offer is no longer available for sale” errors?
How do I fix “Sale Price not Specified” errors?
How do I fix the “Mileage not specified for a used car” error?
How do I fix the “New car has model year older than 2019” error?
How do I fix the “Business Profile is already claimed by another partner” error?
How do I fix the “VDP URL is not valid” error?
How do I fix the “Invalid VIN” error?
How do I fix the “Model Not Specified” error?
How do I fix the “Images not servable: Image host returned an unknown error” error?
How do I fix the “Images not servable: Image was not found on the host” error?
How do I fix the “Images not servable: Image URL is not valid” error?
How do I fix the “Dealership was not linked to a Business Profile on Google” error?
How do I fix the “VDP crawl returned an error page” error?
How do I address the “The program is not available in the dealership's country” error?
How do I fix the “Images not servable: “Images not servable: Unknown Error” error?
How do I fix the “Images not servable: “Main image not servable” error?
How do I fix the “Images not servable: Googlebot was disallowed from crawling the image” error?
How do I fix the “The dealership is currently in review by Google” error?
How do I fix the “Postal Code missing from the address” error?
What do I need to get started with auto listings on my Google Business Profile?
How do I download the FileZilla Client and examine my inventory feed?
How do I activate a dealer with Cars for Sale using FTP data?
How do I activate a dealer with Cars for Sale using a website scrape?
How to edit UTM tracking for a Vehicles for Sale client?
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POS/CMS Integrations
How do I connect my Shopify instance to dbaPlatform?
Near Me Metrics
How do I improve the score of my Reputation Health?
How do I improve my Listing Health?
How do I improve my Brand Health?
How do I increase the score for my Influencer Health?
What is Reputation Health?
What is Influence Health?
Will I receive an insights report after syncing my Google Listings?
Where can I locate performance data for Google posts?
How do I retrieve insights for multiple locations in dbaPlatform?
What features are included in Near Me Metrics reporting?
How do I set up monthly reports in Near Me Metrics?
How do I navigate dbaPlatform's new reporting, Near Me Metrics?
What is Brand Health?
What is Listing Health?
What is Local Authority?
How do I navigate the Near Me Metric reporting?
What is Engagement Health in my Local Authority report?
How can I increase my Engagement Health?
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How do I specify a Google Cars for Sale inventory provider?
How do I create a new group in dbaPlatform?
What is the difference between Location List and Client Groups in dbaPlatform?
How do I group locations in dbaPlatform?
How do I remove a Google Business Profile from dbaPlatform?
How can I remove a location from the Location list?
How do I create a Store Code in dbaPlatform?
How do I add tags on my Google Business Profile, such as "Delivery Available"?
Can I bulk update menu services for my Google Business locations in dbaPlatform?
Can I update Google Business Profile listing information from dbaPlatform?
What are client tags in dbaPlatform?
How do I add locations to an existing group in dbaPlatform?
How do I unarchive locations?
How can I tell which Google Account a location is associated with?
How do I filter through locations?
How do you switch groups within dbaPlatform?
How do you edit a Google Business Profile through dbaPlatform?
How do I archive locations?
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How to claim an Apple Business Connect account?
How do I sync to Apple Business Connect?
How to Create a New Apple ID / Account
How to find your Business Connect Company ID?
How to share access to your brand in Apple Business Connect?
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How can I manage my email preferences?
Does dbaPlatform offer an affiliate program?
Will Google ban my listing for using dbaPlatform?
Can the same text from a website be used on Google Maps?
Can map embeds influence Google rankings?
Does changing your Google Profile status to "temporarily closed" affect SEO?
Should a separate Google Business Profile listing be made for each doctor in an office?
Is there a way to add social profiles to Google Business Profiles?
Can GMB rankings be influenced by local press releases?
Why do unoptimized profiles rank high?
How to change Google Maps hours to "Appointment Only"?
Can Google Maps differentiate two listings sharing an address?
Are Google Sites automatically indexed as website citations?
Do Google My Business subcategories affect search relevance?
How Useful is Google Search Console to Get Your Site Indexed?
Is it helpful to have a Google Site as my Google Business Profile website?
How can I rank in Google Map searches for surrounding cities?
Is it effective to include keywords within product descriptions for SEO?
How do we get consistent Google 3-Pack rankings?
What is the best way to contact Google support?
What signals can be sent to Google Business Profile or GMB listings to boost trust?
How can I get Google to crawl a newly altered website?
How does Google Business Profile, or Google My Business recognize metadata for images?
Will sharing posts to Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms help improve my Google search ranking?
Does having Google host sit increase Google Business Profile (GMB) rankings?
Is distance from the map centroid a large ranking factor for Google Business Profiles?
Is my Google Business Profile affected by organic rankings?
Why are the character limits different for services and products?
Where should backlinks and citation links point to for the best Google ranking results?
Do 360° views on Google Business Profiles help boost my rankings?
What's eligible for the "Products" tab in Google My Business?
What is Local SERP?
What are some best practices for Google My Business?
How can I change the order of appearance for Google My Business Photos?
What happens if I change my address on Google My Business?
How to add a user to manage a Google Business Profile?
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