How do I group locations in dbaPlatform?

Grouping locations can be done from the Locations tab within the platform. You can add, archive, tag, group, and ungroup locations from the Locations tab.

This article will review how to group locations within dbaPlatform


This is the process if you need to create a new group for the locations you wish to group:

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Locations"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Click "Create a Group"

Screenshot of: Click

4. Name the group (this can be the GBP name, brand, etc)

5. Click "Next"

Screenshot of: Click

6. Select the locations that you'd like to add to this new group. There is a search bar available that can be utilized to search for business names, addresses, and tags. 

Screenshot of: Click here.

7. Click "Save Group"

Screenshot of: Click

8. And your new group has been created!

Screenshot of: Click


If a group already exists, but you need to add more locations to that group, follow these steps:


1. Navigate to

2. Click "Locations"

Screenshot of: Click

3. Click "Edit Group"

Screenshot of: Click

4. Select the group that you'd like to add locations to

Screenshot of: Click this text field.


Screenshot of: Click

5. Select the locations that you'd like to add to this group

Screenshot of: Click here.

6. Click "Save Changes"

Screenshot of: Click

7. And those locations will be added to the selected group

Screenshot of: Click