How do I change between the different Post/Photo views?
Photo Views:
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Locations"
3. Click "Photos & Videos"
4. The variety of views can be selected from at the top-right of the page
5. The first view is the standard view. The second view allows you to preview what the image will look like prior to posting.
6. You can see the status of the photo and also optimize the image from this view as well
7. The third view allows you to see how many photos are in each stage of the process:
7.a. Uploaded
7.b. Optimized
7.c. Scheduled
7.d. Published
Photo Views:
1. Click "Post"
2. The first view is the standard view. The second view allows you to see a calendar overview of what content you have scheduled on which dates
3. You can view this calendar on a weekly or monthly view