This article will detail the “Images not servable: Unknown Error” error message and how to remedy it.
If you’ve received this message, it means the Googlebot has not been given permission to crawl the website, and data cannot be surfaced or validated. This must be done for the website AND where the images are hosted if in a separate place. (AWS, Photobucket, etc)
To remedy this, please add this code snippet to the website & image hosting platform:
User-agent: Googlebot allow: /
To ensure that the Googlebot has the adequate permissions required, please visit this website and input a URL from one of the image files in question. This will either validate that Googlebot has permissions or determine that the code snippet needs to be inputted on the website.
Note: Stock images are the biggest culprit for issues such as this. They will cause errors if the same image file is used over and over for VDPs. All vehicle images must have a unique filename.