How to share access to your brand in Apple Business Connect?

Managing your profile in Apple Business Connect may require granting access to a third-party partner such as a marketing agency or SEO professional. Instead of email invites, use their Company ID for secure and streamlined access sharing.

Step 1: Obtain the Third Party’s Company ID

Before you can share access, you’ll need the Company ID of the agency or partner to whom you’re granting access. If they need help finding the ID, see instruction here.

Step 2: Sign In to Your Business Connect Account

  1. Go to Apple Business Connect
  2. Click Sign In

3. Enter your Apple ID credentials and then click here to continue (if prompted, complete two-factor authentication)

Step 3: Access Brand Settings

  1. Select the Brands tab

  2. If you manage multiple brands, select the brand you want to grant access
  3. Select the Access option towards the bottom of the page
  4. On the next page, select the Share Access button
  5. Enter the partner's Company ID
  6. You will be prompted to select a Role - for proper access, select Brand Admin
  7. Once you are done, select Invite, and you are good to go!