How do I fix the “Dealership was not linked to a Business Profile on Google” error?

This article will detail the “Dealership was not linked to a Business Profile on Google” error message and how to remedy it.

The meaning behind this error is that Google uses its own set of coordinates, known as a Place_ID, to identify all businesses and locations around the world. In the world of cars for sale, this is an important piece of data that Google uses to identify the business. If you are receiving this error, it means that you will need to contact help@dbaplatform in order to remedy the situation.

Before you contact us, we need some information from you first. Please provide the following in your email:

  • Agency Name
  • Dealer Name
  • Dealer website URL
  • Google Place_ID (Place_ID finder tool can be found here)

Having this information ready for dbaPlatform will cut down on the time it takes for support to input the Place_ID into the system.