How do I set up ad conversion tracking for Bing Auto Inventory Ads on dbaPlatform?

Ad conversion tracking will be set up through your Bing Ads account. Here is a quick tutorial on how to set up tracking!

To edit your website's code, add a UET tag tracking code. Contact your Webmaster if you're unsure how to edit your website's code. Follow these sets to access and set up conversion tracking. 

In This Article: 
1.) Set Up Your UET Tag 

2.) Add UET Tag Via Self Set Up

3.) Add UET Tag Via Developer 

Set Up Your UET Tag
1.) From the top menu, select Tools > UET tool barBing options2.) Select Create UET tag and then enter a name.UET tag name-1

    • Optional: Enter a description that helps you identify the UET tag in the future.create UET tag

Tip: The description can relate to the purpose the tag will serve or to the name of the URL of your website. 

    • Optional: Clear the Enable Microsoft Clarity checkbox.Enable Microsoft Clarity

3.) Select Save and Next.

4.) Select the method of choice; we recommend the first two options: 

  • Option 1: Install the tag yourself
  • Option 2: Send tag to developer option 

Add UET Tag Via Self Set Up

1.) Option 1: Install the tag yourself
2.) Select "install the tag yourself"unnamed (8)-1

3.) Select Next

4.) Copy, then paste the UET tag tracking code on every page of your website. Add the UET tag tracking code anywhere in your web page's head section (before the closing head tag: "</head>") or body section (before the closing body tag: "</body>"). Select Next.

unnamed (9)-1unnamed (10)

Add UET Tag Via Developer 

1.) Option 2: Send tag to developer option 

2.) Select send the tag to the developer unnamed (11)
3.) Type the email address of the Webmaster, select send, then click Next unnamed (13)-1
4.) Webmaster to copy then paste the UET tag tracking code on every page of your website. Add the UET tag tracking code anywhere in your web page's head section (before the closing head tag: "</head>") or body section (before the closing body tag: "</body>")
5.) Congrats, all done! 
